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Monday, February 25, 2013

Capture Wedding and Anniversary Memories on Recordable CDs and DVDs

Capture and Share
Weddings and Reunions
Warm weather is approaching and that usually means preparations for weddings, reunions and other events.  We can help with customized options that will allow the planners to keep memories alive for years to come.  Custom CDs and DVDs are the perfect solution for business and personal events.

Using Recordable CDs for Weddings and Reunions

Record and share personal celebrations like weddings, special services, anniversaries, birthdays and reunions on custom printed CDs and DVDs. Recordable media will provide unique keepsakes that family and friends will enjoy long after the event. Minimum quantities are as low as 25 pieces so there are enough for the wedding party and family.

Recordable CD-Rs and DVD-Rs make the perfect keepsake for your guests. Ideas for using them include the following:
  1. Creating a video journal of celebrations leading up to a wedding. For example the engagement celebrations, showers, parties and the big day!  Great for anniversaries, reunions, and birthdays.
  2. A playlist of favorite songs from the engagement, wedding, and reception to capture moments in time. 
  3. Capture the thoughts, plans and wishes in an electronic journal and include it on your disk.
  4. Capture photos taken during the event and send a photo gallery of pictures on cute mini discs that fit nicely into thank you cards as a special gift of gratitude. 

CD Duplication Services Are Available

If you would like to burn your own CD-Rs as a Do It Yourself (DIY) option, you can have your favorite photo, message and text placed on the CD to commemorate your event. The CDs or DVD-Rs will be printed with your imprint and shipped in about 5 business days. CD-Rs and DVDs are purchased with no media recorded on them (blank) unless duplication services are requested.  If you would like to supply the media, duplication services are available and the data will be placed on your CDs/DVDs.

Each media type, CD-R (700 MB), DVD-R (4.7 GB), 3" mini CD-Rs (180 MB) and 3" DVD-R mini (1.47 GB) offers a different level of storage capacity. Audio, video, documents and images can be placed on all media. Mini CDs are great for mailing and stuffing into cards, envelopes and bags. Create customized CDs and DVDs that will store your memories forever.

If you're planning an event, contact us for help with your next project! Stay in touch on Google+, Facebook and Twitter: Visit our website and Request a Quote.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What Can Salons and Spas Do to Thrive in Today's Market?

We love being pampered and most of us consider impeccable grooming to be a personal and professional requirement.  However, because of the sustained downturn in the economy, the success of beauty industry professionals is not only attributed to skills and ability, success also depends on economic factors as well.  Because these services are typically considered as extras (nice to have, but not as much as food and shelter), changes in the economy have a direct impact on the industry and the ability for salons and spas to thrive or even survive.

There is a growing number of people that are either forgoing these services altogether or learning to perform core services themselves.  Additionally, the high end skin and hair care products sold in salons are now being replaced by lower cost items sold in retail stores. Clients that frequented salons and spas before the recession have been forced to become more budget conscious.

Whether clients have been deeply affected by the economy or not, they want more value for a dollar.   These changes should cause salon owners to take stock and begin asking some of the hard questions. For example who is the new recession conscious audience for salon and spa services? How has the audience changed over time and has the industry kept up with the changes? This information may be different based on location, services offered and the experience level of the salon operators.

10 Questions for Salon Owners to Answer as a First Step

Here are some questions that salon owners, managers and operators should ask if they plan to not just survive, but thrive during the economic challenges facing large and small companies alike: 

  1. What changes have you noticed in your salon or spa? If you haven't noticed any changes, and everything is humming along, you can skip the rest of the questions.
  2. Are there other factors (than the economy) that have contributed to the current changes in client behavior?
  3. Has your salon changed to accommodate the needs of your customers?  
  4. Does your salon create an "experience" for the client that exceeds their expectations?  What does the typical customer experience when they visit your salon? Is it the experience you would like for them to have?
  5. How does your salon communicate information to current and potential customers? Is your salon on board with using technology to communicate specials, company news, and other useful information?  
  6. Are you showing clients that you respect their time? If they have a short wait, are you providing an atmosphere that makes the wait pleasant?
  7. Are you offering value added services or are you charging the same pre-recession prices?
  8. What are you doing to make it easy for customers to do business with you?
  9. What can you do to make the customer more engaged with your business? 
  10. Is your business a good corporate citizen? What role does your salon play in the community? 
  11. Are you taking a passive role (only looking for business to come to you), or are you reaching out to the areas where your customers work and play? 
Maintaining the status quo may no longer be feasible with the current economic dynamics.  Consider that (1) the average family's hectic lifestyles are even more hectic, (2) the ability to use technology provides free communication to the masses, and (3) the need to consider value based options for customers who need them will allow more customers to consider your business as an option.

Word of mouth advertising and holding the line on pricing may not allow you to reach your goals if you're not reaching more clients with your current offerings or if no one can afford your services.  Now more than ever, it's time to look at the way you market your products/services and make any reasonable changes to keep your business thriving and relevant.

Review the slides in this presentation and consider using promotional items to rebuild, rebrand and reinvent yourself as a leader in your industry.

Promotional items that are geared toward your salon and spa clients can also help you improve your image, and spread the word about new ideas and ways of doing things.  They can also help your company play a greater role in your community.  More positive activity in the community will help to establish your company as the "go to" business in your area.

Effective marketing is the key to continued success and the book below is available on Amazon, 12 Months of Marketing for Salon and Spa: Ideas, Events and Promotions for Salon and Spa by Elizabeth Kraus helps to answer some additional questions below:
  1. How can new stylists and estheticians carve out clientele as they launch their career? 
  2. What can industry professionals at any stage of their career do to create a new normal that transcends economic factors? 
  3. What should they be doing to take control of their business, growth of their client base, retail sales and income? 
You can click the link below to be taken to Amazon where you can buy the book. You can have a sneak peek inside to see if it will give you the insight needed to move ahead. If you decide to read it, please send us a note to let us know how you like it.  

Contact us via email or by phone at 937-317-0252 for help with your next project! Stay in touch on Google+, Facebook and Twitter: Visit our website and Request a Quote.

Improve Your Reach Using Holidays and Observances

NASA astronaut Sally Ride, the first American woman in space, inside the space shuttle “Challenger” circa 1983.If you're stumped for a reason to connect with your customers, we have the answer!  Holidays and national observances create the wonderful opportunities to connect with your customers.  They provide a reason to sponsor a holidays that are meaningful to your target audience, to create awareness about a cause you support, educate customers on an interesting topic, or offer a coupon or discount in honor of a special moment in time. 

Ideas for Celebrating National Women's History Month

For example, the National Women's History Project's 2013 theme for National Women's History Month is Women Inspiring Innovation Through Imagination: Celebrating Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. They are honoring women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

During the month of March, in honor of Women's History Month, one idea would be to feature women who have excelled in science and technology now and throughout history.  Make the observance even more meaningful by including local women.

Enhance the celebration by creating an offer for women who sign up for your newsletter (at your brick and mortar facility or website) to receive a free promotional gift.  The promotional gift should include your logo with a message in support of women's contributions.  If customers sign up online, make sure to provide them with a promotional code that they can use to get their free gift.  

Complimentary Beverages
Another example includes the theme of health and wellness.  Even if your company isn't in the healthcare field, many consumers are concerned about health and fitness.  Health related observances like National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and National Nutrition Month provide an opportunity to provide general health information or encourage customers and potential customers to pay attention to their health by scheduling screenings and regular check ups.

Partnering with hospitals and clinics can boost awareness in your community and provide information on resources that are available.

We have items like t-shirts, napkins, balloons, drinkware, pillboxes, first aid kits, candles, stress reducers and more. Placing your logo on items with an inspiring message shows customers and potential customers that you care about topics that are important to them and the community.  Call us for more ideas or to order promotional items for your next campaign.

March Holidays and Observances

The following observances are approaching in March!  Find more observances by taking a look at our Promo Calendar.  It's constantly updated so check it often.

Great American Cleanup
Irish American Heritage Month
Mental Retardation Awareness Month
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
National Nutrition Month
National Professional Social Work Month
National Women's History Month

Contact us for help with your next project! Stay in touch on Google+, Facebook and Twitter: Visit our website and Request a Quote.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Help Your Customers Make the Connection with Promotional Items

Your company may spend huge sums on marketing and advertising... and it can still be easy to miss the mark when trying to make a connection with customers.  Social media is all the rage, but if it doesn't result in a tangible return on investment, how much should be invested in all that posting and tweeting?  A large number of followers on social media should translate into a relative number of visits, interactions and ultimately buyers for it to pay off.  Advertisers can spend  hours posting and tweeting to their followers with little or no actual return on investment.

When used correctly and in conjunction with other marketing media, promotional items can be extremely effective in helping your customers make the connection between your company and their need for what your company has to offer. They repeat and reinforce your marketing message in homes, offices and events where your customer spend most of their time. Most people that receive them use them or see them on a regular basis, making recognizing the name of the company that gave them out easy.  When customers are ready to make a purchase for your product or service, contact information (on the promo item) is easily accessible.  For ideas on using them with your marketing message view the slides below.

If you're not sure how to get started, begin the process by thinking about your current marketing message and how you're communicating your message to customers.  Is your marketing message reaching your customers? Is it causing customers to take the desired actions?  If so, you're on the right track, congratulations!  If not, you might want to revisit the message and/or the delivery method.

You may also want to review your brand, customer experience and consistency. Are you sending mixed messages between your marketing and the actual customer experience? How do you want customers to feel when they visit your business? How should they feel about your company when they leave your establishment? Have you built your brand in a way that supports the experience you want for current and potential customers? Is your total package (logo, marketing materials, product, service, appearance and physical atmosphere) consistent with the brand identity you've created?  For example, if your brand was built around having a sense of fun and adventure, is that what your customers get when they visit?  What about when they visit online?

Have you clearly identified your ideal customers? From the previous example, are your ideal customers looking for fun and adventure? Why should they do business with your company instead of your competition?

These are important questions to ask when creating a marketing message that really connects with your audience.  Promotional items can bring home the connection from your message to your customers when you're not around.  They're tangible reminders of the great experience your customers have had with your company and your events.  To obtain more information please email or call us today at 937-317-0252.

Contact us for help with your next project! Stay in touch on Google+, Facebook and Twitter: Visit our website and Request a Quote.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Why You Should Use Promotional Items, Especially Today

In  today's competitive market everyone wants more value. Consumers are watching their spending and tend to gravitate toward anything that will help their money go further.  Companies are doing more with fewer employees, and customers are dealing with rising expenses and wages that are at best staying the same. 

Companies have held the line on spending and their marketing and advertising budgets are frozen in fear.  The "necessities" have been paid at the expense of anything that has to do with frivolous things like marketing until things turn around.  I'm just being sarcastic, but some people have been waiting for a turn around in the economy since 2008, and they won't spend another dime for advertising and marketing, until things are better long term.

How To Use Promotional Items to
Make Things Better

Believe it or not, now it's more important than ever to promote your business.  If you're not advertising and actively promoting your business, you are probably losing some of your loyal customers who are hearing nothing but the news that ranges from bad to cautiously optimistic, which in turn makes them more leery of spending.

To counter this information, you will need to find ideas that will give these customers a message that motivates them to do business with you.  Coupons, two for one specials, buy 10 get the 11th one free, manufacturer's specials, a contest or something creative that will bring these customers out of hiding so that you don't lose loyal customers. If not they may not return after things get better.  Even worse they may find another resource for your products and services.

By not advertising, you are also missing opportunities to capture new customers who are doing well and may be looking for someone who does what you do.  Additionally, while your competition is not spending on advertising, it presents a great opportunity for you to obtain a larger share of the market. Going down to zero expenditures for marketing and advertising is a recipe for disaster for any business.

Promotional items are powerful marketing tools that have a low cost per impression. According to research conducted by the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) promotional items are in about 80% of homes in the U.S.  They travel well at home and in the office.  If you're on the fence regarding the power of these great marketing tools, please view this video and contact us for help with your next order. If you can't view the video here, please use this link.

Contact us for help with your next project! Stay in touch on Google+, Facebook and Twitter: Visit our website and Request a Quote.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Your Logo: 5 Reasons to Invest in a Professional Design

This is where we talk about one of the critical tools used to brand  your business, the logo. We’re starting with a discussion on logos because it’s not one of the tools that you can drop into an envelope and send to your customers by itself.  For a start up,  it’s a building block that when combined with all the other marketing tools will set about doing the job of branding your company.

promotional blanket, custom printed blanketWhen used effectively, it becomes is the most highly recognized part of your marketing and advertising efforts.  The thought is that this branding will translate to increased sales and growth for your business. It’s a tried and true method used by companies large and small with tremendous success.

There’s always a question of when and how it should be created.  Some experts feel that you should invest in a professional logo design from day one.  Others think you should wait until your business is established to invest in a logo.  Here are some things to consider regarding how much you should invest in the logo whenever you decide to create your design.

Here’s a common scenario… You’re just starting out, maybe your budget is tight and you’re not sure if you should invest in graphic design services for your logo.  You have no graphic design experience, but how hard could it be, right? With all the off the shelf graphic design programs and royalty free clip images, you get the idea that you can use your computer to create a logo for your business.  Problem solved. Right?  Well…maybe not.  Before opting for this do it yourself (DIY) choice, please take a moment to think about your business, and your long term goals.

A poorly designed, low quality image may send the wrong message to potential customers.  There are a number of things to consider beyond the image itself.  Think of the impact your logo will have on your ability to do the kind of business you want to do, as well as the kinds of relationships that will be impacted by your logo design: 

1. First Impressions Last - Have you ever received a business card that was printed on the family ink jet computer? Think about how that made you feel when you saw it, versus how you’ve felt when you received a professionally printed business card.  Low quality, home printed materials are a good indicator that you’re a rookie who may not have the resources to obtain quality items.

It creates doubt in the minds of your customers. They think that if you don’t have the resources for professional printing, what else is missing?  It’s important to present a professional image and highlight your strengths to build confidence with your customers.  Remove as many doubts, blaring red flags and fears as possible about your business and your ability to handle the job.
A professional marketing package will take you a long way to reaching that goal.  Therefore your logo, coming out of the gate should be polished to present the best possible image for your company. Remember the saying: You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression.

In essence, your logo will play a major role in setting the tone for your business and it should speak to the character, values and quality of the products and services you’re offering, as well as the audience you want to attract.  For example, if your business theme is happy, fun and carefree, that should be reflected in your logo.  If your logo design unintentionally sends the opposite message, you may miss the audience and the business opportunities you’re looking for.

2. The Long Haul - Over the life of your business, your logo will be placed on every marketing piece, every piece of letterhead, invoices, business cards, advertising, signs, billboards, apparel, proposals, business plans, your website and so much more. This is your brand, the icon used to identify your company.  It’s a unique combination of symbols, colors, and shapes that your customers, employees, the general public, and even your competitors will associate with the great experiences they have (or will have) with your company.  You want it to represent you well over the long haul.

3. Credibility – Even though money may be tight in the beginning, investing in a professional looking image  will go a long way toward seeing your business recognized and taken seriously by investors and those you intend to do business with.  Changing logos can be devastating for any business. Once your customers get used to seeing your logo and they make the connection between the symbol and your business, there’s no turning back.  Change the colors, change the background, but when you change the logo, you’re forcing your customers make the transition to learning what that represents all over again. In some ways, it’s like starting from square one.  When was the last time you saw a major brand change their logo?  You won’t see it much unless there is some catastrophe that is associated with a brand that makes it virtually useless.  Brands become intangible assets that companies spend a ton of money to maintain.

4. Pride… Not Embarrassment -  Think of how you feel (what descriptive words come to mind) when you see the logos of popular brands.  When I’m out riding in the car with my three year old grandson, he already recognizes “Toys R Us” from viewing their signage.  It brings a reaction that usually results in his asking me or his parents to visit the store.  This is  branding at its best.
Think of how you want your customers to feel when they see at your logo.  How will your employees feel wearing your logo or handing out their card with your logo imprinted on it?  When they look at your marketing materials, what feelings do you want them to have? Pride or anxiety? You certainly don’t want them to give out marketing materials with a low quality clip art design, do you?

Think of your business, and what you hope will come to mind when potential customers, investors and prospects receive your materials? Do you want them to think of descriptions like excitement, strength, integrity, stability, happiness, style, class, fun, tranquility, energy etc.  Or do you want them to anxiously smile and say something like, don’t call us, we’ll call you?  If you want to be recognized for the image you’re trying to project, consider these factors when selecting the method for creating your logo.  A great logo will work well to promote your business and will eventually stand on its own.  A low quality logo can make the most knowledgeable person seem lack luster.

5. Print-ability- When you think of how your logo will be designed (DIY or graphic designer) keep in mind that a professional designer will (or should) provide you with camera ready, color separated art files that can be taken to any printer that will handle your marketing materials.  This means that your logo will be created in a vector based program like Illustrator and ready for high quality printing.  Raster based programs will create images that result are low quality and when enlarged, will result in a stair step, pixel based image that has blurred, distorted edges.  Printing companies, including promotional product manufacturers will charge more to convert your files to a vector based format.

All things considered, that simple little symbol, shape or combination thereof along with colors, word choices, and fonts; when pulled together, says a lot about your business.  Make sure it says the right thing, and will illicit the responses you want from your customers when they see it.  Once you have a prototype, ask your team members, friends and family for feedback.  Ask them how they feel or for words that describe how they feel when they look at your logo. If there’s a match between your intentions and their impressions, you’re on the right track.

I can’t think of any instance where you would want to send a  message that says low quality, cheap or amateur if you’re trying to build and grow your business.  You don’t have to spend a fortune on your logo but you should invest time in finding a professional to create your design.  You should also have a general idea of the theme, color, fonts etc that you might want to use.  And by all means, consider the factors above before crafting this very important business tool.

Contact us for help with your next project! Stay in touch on Google+, Facebook and Twitter: Visit our website and Request a Quote.