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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What Can Salons and Spas Do to Thrive in Today's Market?

We love being pampered and most of us consider impeccable grooming to be a personal and professional requirement.  However, because of the sustained downturn in the economy, the success of beauty industry professionals is not only attributed to skills and ability, success also depends on economic factors as well.  Because these services are typically considered as extras (nice to have, but not as much as food and shelter), changes in the economy have a direct impact on the industry and the ability for salons and spas to thrive or even survive.

There is a growing number of people that are either forgoing these services altogether or learning to perform core services themselves.  Additionally, the high end skin and hair care products sold in salons are now being replaced by lower cost items sold in retail stores. Clients that frequented salons and spas before the recession have been forced to become more budget conscious.

Whether clients have been deeply affected by the economy or not, they want more value for a dollar.   These changes should cause salon owners to take stock and begin asking some of the hard questions. For example who is the new recession conscious audience for salon and spa services? How has the audience changed over time and has the industry kept up with the changes? This information may be different based on location, services offered and the experience level of the salon operators.

10 Questions for Salon Owners to Answer as a First Step

Here are some questions that salon owners, managers and operators should ask if they plan to not just survive, but thrive during the economic challenges facing large and small companies alike: 

  1. What changes have you noticed in your salon or spa? If you haven't noticed any changes, and everything is humming along, you can skip the rest of the questions.
  2. Are there other factors (than the economy) that have contributed to the current changes in client behavior?
  3. Has your salon changed to accommodate the needs of your customers?  
  4. Does your salon create an "experience" for the client that exceeds their expectations?  What does the typical customer experience when they visit your salon? Is it the experience you would like for them to have?
  5. How does your salon communicate information to current and potential customers? Is your salon on board with using technology to communicate specials, company news, and other useful information?  
  6. Are you showing clients that you respect their time? If they have a short wait, are you providing an atmosphere that makes the wait pleasant?
  7. Are you offering value added services or are you charging the same pre-recession prices?
  8. What are you doing to make it easy for customers to do business with you?
  9. What can you do to make the customer more engaged with your business? 
  10. Is your business a good corporate citizen? What role does your salon play in the community? 
  11. Are you taking a passive role (only looking for business to come to you), or are you reaching out to the areas where your customers work and play? 
Maintaining the status quo may no longer be feasible with the current economic dynamics.  Consider that (1) the average family's hectic lifestyles are even more hectic, (2) the ability to use technology provides free communication to the masses, and (3) the need to consider value based options for customers who need them will allow more customers to consider your business as an option.

Word of mouth advertising and holding the line on pricing may not allow you to reach your goals if you're not reaching more clients with your current offerings or if no one can afford your services.  Now more than ever, it's time to look at the way you market your products/services and make any reasonable changes to keep your business thriving and relevant.

Review the slides in this presentation and consider using promotional items to rebuild, rebrand and reinvent yourself as a leader in your industry.

Promotional items that are geared toward your salon and spa clients can also help you improve your image, and spread the word about new ideas and ways of doing things.  They can also help your company play a greater role in your community.  More positive activity in the community will help to establish your company as the "go to" business in your area.

Effective marketing is the key to continued success and the book below is available on Amazon, 12 Months of Marketing for Salon and Spa: Ideas, Events and Promotions for Salon and Spa by Elizabeth Kraus helps to answer some additional questions below:
  1. How can new stylists and estheticians carve out clientele as they launch their career? 
  2. What can industry professionals at any stage of their career do to create a new normal that transcends economic factors? 
  3. What should they be doing to take control of their business, growth of their client base, retail sales and income? 
You can click the link below to be taken to Amazon where you can buy the book. You can have a sneak peek inside to see if it will give you the insight needed to move ahead. If you decide to read it, please send us a note to let us know how you like it.  

Contact us via email or by phone at 937-317-0252 for help with your next project! Stay in touch on Google+, Facebook and Twitter: Visit our website and Request a Quote.