Are you also a small business owner who thinks that marketing is out of reach? It's a common thought that active marketing is only for large corporations and that you can't compete. If you think it's too expensive to market your company, you’re not alone.
During the recession, some companies have actually cut their marketing budgets to make room for other priorities. And it's understandable that you would want to avoid spending money on anything other than critical activities. However, keeping customers coming in the door is critical to your success. During lean times, it's important to ramp up marketing and promotion.
Especially now with an influx of new and developing technology, there are many ways to promote your company. There are even free resources available that will take your company to the next level. The key is in creating a plan and finding the marketing resources that work best for your business and budget.
There is a constant battle between doing what you love, operating your business and bringing customers in the front door. You may have distributed, brochures, flyers here and there and handed out promotional items with no success. However unless you have a plan, and you provide opportunities to measure the benefits, you will never know how effective your marketing is, or areas that can be improved. Without measurement, you can only perceive that marketing doesn’t work.
If your business relies on word of mouth to keep customers coming in the door it's great that you're receiving referral business. A t the same time, using only one form of advertising is limited and it can only take your business so far.
If you’re an owner that looks at marketing as a luxury and not a necessity, please take another look at your marketing plan. If you don't have a marketing plan, take time to draft one. It doesn't have to be elaborate.
You should address issues and honestly answer questions that that will help you create realistic goals, reach your ideal customers and hone in on the best selling products and services.
We specialize in helping companies with marketing and branding, as well as planning events, implementing programs and solving business problems with promotional items. Stay in touch by visiting our website, on Facebook and Twitter. Sign up here on our blog to receive timely updates delivered to your phone, tablet or computer.